“HOOOH and our many supporters nationwide have welcomed Shropshire Council’s recent assurances over the short-term future of Old Oswestry hillfort’s setting.
“Seven sites were assessed as having long-term residential potential as part of Shropshire’s current local plan par al review. Following a Shropshire Council brie ng last week (28/03/2019) to selected journalists, it has been reported* that ‘there will be no housing development’ on these sites within the hillfort’s landscape over the next 17 years.
“News con rming that Shropshire planners ‘have no desire to adopt the sites under the local plan, which runs un l 2036’ has been widely shared and enthusias cally received on social media.
“Following an invita on from the council, HOOOH now looks forward to meeting with its representa ves for a discussion about the hillfort and Shropshire’s planning approach to heritage.
“We would remind people that the hillfort’s south-eastern setting still remains at immediate risk from a planning application** for 120 houses on land (OSW004), which was allocated for housing in Shropshire’s local plan in 2015.”
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