The following letter contains some salient points of objection against the inclusion of proposal OSW004 in Shropshire Council’s SAMDev report.
In WORD format – please add date, your name and additional points you would like to make:
OSW004 SAMdev objections letter
In PDF format (to be printed out and signed should you agree with the points presented:
OSW004 SAMdev objections letter (PDF)
With kind thanks,
Old Oswestry Hillfort Campaign
Why would you want to build so close to such a beautiful historical monument
I think this is destroying our past and we need to stop this. we have so much more to learn.
Absolute sacrilege if this ever happens! Leave this iconic place alone PLUS surrounding area!
We object to the building of house’s on the historic hill fort
I write to contribute my objection to any invasive land-use in the vicinity of Old Oswestry Hillfort and it’s contextual landscape, be it for housing or any other purpose.
I am not going to discuss the arcana of the planning rules and regulations since they is not my area of expertise and I am not qualified to do so. I am fully aware that, usually, objections to planning applications can only be on specific technical grounds, but I put it to you that this is an exceptional case for which these usual restrictions are inappropriate. If this were just a local matter that would be one thing, but this is not – it is a matter well beyond any parochial boundaries or petty regulations.
My objection is simple: this is a site of international significance, having few equivalents either here or in the world as a whole.
It is my belief that knowledge of our past is of profound significance to our future and that we tamper with it at our peril. I would suggest that we are not the owners of our landscape – we are merely temporary occupants and that we have a collective responsibility to preserve any site of such importance for future generations. This is a prime example of sites where no development should be undertaken until all other options are exhausted.
Our landscape is a major asset: both in terms of our own well-being and to attract much needed tourist revenue. It would be very hard to overstate how important is its preservation.
Just look at the aerial photo. You cannot, you surely cannot, mess with that. I visited last year as a tourist. Consider the loss of revenue. There *has* to be an alternative.
This hillfort belongs to the nation not the council to do what they want with it. Too many places are being used up in this way. Why not try brown site and leave the green ones alone.
I am supporting, in full the objection to the housing masterplan and construction work proposed BY Shropshire Council in relation to Old Oswestry HillFort, and the surrounding rural environment.
I am an Artist that lives and works in Oswestry. I live in a town that is a happy, creative and tolerant community, with decent amenities and accessible green lung areas for all.
I walk the Hillfort twice a day,in all seasons and elements, for health, recreation and inspiration.
All local residents from Oswestry, and the outlying communities, from pre-school to senior citizens,utilize the area for health and well being, recreation for families, dog walking, sports,educational and botanical study.
The Hillfort is not only an outstanding heritage site of national, and international importance, it is the apex of a landscape that is of special scientific interest, with a balance eco system of biodiversity, including Great Crested Newts, Skylarks, and rare birds of prey. The flora and fauna, and insect and mammal population are attuned to this site, as much as the human community.
The proposed plans for meeting housing needs are obtuse, illogical, and would cause permanent damage to the whole area; the housing suggested would not be either sustainable or affordable, or benefit the community, or contribute to future of the town in and its residents, in any way.
The process of the planning by Shropshire Council has been consistently incompetent, and I urge the Council to adhere to the legal protocol, and advocate and uphold not only the moral sense of duty inherent in public office, but to use common sense, caution and empathy in equal measure.
The Hillfort is centuries old, and the landscape defines Oswestry, and is a refuge and inpsiration to one and all.