Maintaining objections to proposed development damaging the setting of Old Oswestry hillfort
Shropshire Local Plan Review Consultation Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development, October 2017
Shropshire Council is reviewing its Local Plan to make provision for housing and economic growth until 2036.
HOOOH has prepared a response letter (in WORD) for people to make specific representations for the protection of Old Oswestry and its landscape in the current phase of the consultation.
The deadline for submitting the letter is end of play (5pm) this Friday 22nd December 2017.
Responding is very easy as follows:
–Download and save the letter (a Word document) so you can complete it.
-Fill in your personal details at the start
-The letter includes suggested comments to specifically Qs 3, 4, 5 and 6 which you can edit
-Finally, make sure you email the letter to planningpolicy@shropshire.gov.uk by 5pm on Friday 22nd December 2017
(Or you can post it to the address shown on the letter.)
*Please make sure you view the standard consultation questionnaire (fillable PDF also attached) to read and answer any other questions relevant to you. Alternatively, you can complete and submit this together with the completed letter as an addendum.
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